Monday, September 27, 2010

alison in ireland.

i have always wanted to go to ireland. when i think about this country i picture rolling, luscious, green hills, enjoying an afternoon of tea with friends, and soaking in every inch of history that ireland has to offer. 

well, unfortunately i don't have a trip to ireland planned in my near future. instead, i am living vicariously through my sweet friend alison who is currently there studying abroad for the semester. she gets to wake up every morning and soak in the ireland air.

{enjoying fall on jbu campus last year}

the past few weeks i have been collecting fun quotes, pictures, etc to send to alison in a little packet. i've been constantly searching for different things to send her. i love getting mail and packages and i can't wait to send this to her!

have you ever sent someone a fun package who was in a different state or country? what did you send them? i need some more ideas please!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

happy hands.

i know this video is making it's rounds on the web, but i still couldn't help but post it here. 

new goal in life: learn this. 

Friday, September 24, 2010


recently i've been in a funk. or a slump. i couldn't decide which word fits my situation better, but for all intensive purposes, we'll use the word funk from here on out. 

i've been in one of those funks where i have so much to do and so much swimming inside of my head that i haven't wanted to do a single thing. and then that just adds and more and more to my "to do" list (i love a good to do list) which in turn sends me back into this awful cycle of doing nothing and blah-ness and, well...a funk. 

and with this funk has come a slump in my blogging. i have come up with a zillion blog posts in my head over the past couple of days full of great stories, ideas, and projects. but as soon as i sit down to type everything out...poof! it's gone. 

posts that include things like...

the weekend that a puppy named bandit came to visit...

the time that my roommates and i decided to "burn" all the wax out of our ears and our current obsession with homemade remedies...
{uggg, i know. but these little suckers work!}

my current favorite blog that has left me inspired to add more color to my life, start an inspiration journal, and turn all the letters ever written to me into throw pillows. 
seriously, she's so so cool!

and that's just a glimpse of everything that i have been dying to blog about. 

but then that darn funk hit me. and here i am now, thinking of all the little things swimming around in my head but unable to spill them all out. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

welcome fall.

the sudden change in weather has caused me to shy away from blogging and work on small projects around this fun little apartment. last week we experienced rain, and in russellville, when it rains it pours. literally. but today it's sunny and you can smell fall in the air.

saturday was the first razorback game of the season in little rock. my sweet friend gentry's family always has a big tailgate set up for the game and we all head to little rock to prepare for a razorback victory. tailgating has quickly become one of my favorite things to look forward to in the fall.

soooooo many hog fans and soooo much fun!!

saturday was also mine and zach's two year anniversary. celebrated with a relaxing weekend together that has been one of my favorite weekends in a long time. and sweet little zach surprised me with a new camera. he is the best gift giver ever. 

dear zach, 
thanks for always making my laugh, teaching me about football and baseball, helping me make decisions, and being my better half. 
here's to 60 (plus) more years!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

cold tangerines.

do you ever hear a song or watch a movie or try a recipe it was just so good that you wanted everyone that you know to listen to it, or watch it, or bake it? well, i've come across one of those exciting little treasures in the form of a book. and even though i'm only halfway done with it, i just couldn't wait to tell everyone about this book. 
my sweet friend/roommate/bridesmaid/teaching partner kate got me this particular book for my birthday titled cold tangerines. i know, i know...weird name, but wonderful book. shauna niequist, author of cold tangerines, has totally drawn me in with her writing style and i have been having to force myself to put this book down at night so that i can get some sleep. 

this book is all about living your life in the moment. niequist shares about how she felt like she waited her whole life for a "big" moment. she waited and waited until it finally dawned on her that the "big" moment lays in every single moment of every single day. and all of those little moments create our lives that have been intricately woven together my our Savior and the creator of the universe. 

the only way i can give you a glimpse into this book is to give you a few passages that have stood out to me. read them, you won't regret it. 

"But this is what I'm finding, in glimpses and flashes: this is it. This is it, in the best possible way. That thing I'm waiting for, for that adventure, that movie-score-worthy experience unfolding gracefully. This is it. Normal, daily life ticking by on our streets and sidewalks, in our houses and apartments, in our beds and at our dinner tables, in our dreams and prayers and fights and secrets - this pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience."

"I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing out loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift." 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

apartment living.

can i just start by saying that i really really REALLY love living in my new apartment. seriously. i don't know how i ever crammed all of my junk into a dorm room. having an entire room, a living room, and a kitchen is so fun. i'm getting spoiled.

my roommates and i have had lots of fun the past two weeks making this little apartment feel like home. we've made lots of trips to goodwill, tj maxx, and hobby lobby. and somewhere between the spray paint, old picture frames, and various trinkets, i think we're cozying into this space.

my personal favorites in the apartment include:
1. embroidery hoop collage in my room. 
i haven't quite positioned these little boogers quite right yet, but i'm getting there. thank you for inspiration!

2. fun throw pillows on the couch. 
thank you tj maxx and crafty roommate gentry. 

3. book/remote basket on the coffee table.
thank you thrift store for the $1.00 price tag. 

4. kitchen chalkboard.
thank you hobby lobby for the scratch and dent clearance aisle, and camp war eagle for the "joy" cheer that has made it's way to this board. 

5. picture frame collage in living room.
thank you goodwill for 50 cent frames and colorful spray paint for the re-vamp. 

6. owl drawing in my room.
thank you talented fiance for your sweet art skills. 

7. butter dish.
thank you tj maxx for your cheap prices. 

8. little owl friend. 
thank you sweet old lady at a garage sale that decided that you didn't need this anymore. this little owl has made its home a-top of my bookshelf. 
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