Friday, December 2, 2016

priceless pictures.

at the end of october we carved out a bit of time to get some family pictures taken. we used the same photographer that took easton's newborn pictures, shelby mooty, and she is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. when you can make this awkward girl feel comfortable getting her picture made, you know you are doing something right!

as much as i love our everyday snapshots of "real life" that are captured on the ever handy iphone, there is something so beautiful about a thought-out, well taken photograph. pictures truly are keepsakes, and the physical kind seem to be coming a thing of the past.

this past summer when my "papa" past away, we began pulling out piles and piles of old pictures from his youth, my mom's childhood, and everything in between. i loved being able to flip over a yellowed old photo and see his scribbled handwriting detailing the date and the people in the picture. as much as i love being able to throw hundreds of photos into an online album and have them accessible from virtually anywhere, there really seems to be something special about printed out photographs of loved ones.

and while i may sometimes wonder why i still have piles of printed photos from my middle school, high school, & college days, i hope that one day those simple photos will be cherished as much as we now cherish those yellowed old photos of papa. 

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