Friday, March 13, 2009

rain, rain, go away...

it has rained for the past 3 days here in little russellville. this means that the rain boots got busted out and the most convenient way to get to class would be by way of canoe. but it's finally friday and the end of this rainy week.

and since this one is gone for the weekend...
kelsea and i decided to make the most of the weekend so i don't get bored and have some fun. so far, this has included a quick trip to starbucks, making mix cds, and long drives around russellville. while driving, i almost rear ended someone, didn't realize that i was driving on the wrong side of the road until a car started coming towards me, and getting lost by a creepy grave yard on friday the 13th. 

next up, movie marathon night with our dear friend little derek:


movie number 1: "purple violets"
movie number 2: "keith" (starring jesse mccartney.....holla!)


  1. Sounds like a good weekend planned! I'm going to watch "nights in rodanthe" We'll see what I think. It's raining here now... YUCK! I hope to see you sometime soon!

  2. Sweet pics. Now the whole world thinks I'm straight...oh wait.



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